Monday, February 24, 2014

Top 4 things

Top 4 most important thing to me is probably my family friends PlayStation 3 and my pets.  The least out of the top four that isn't that important is my PlayStation 3.  It has some value to it but not alot.  The third is probably my pets because there is people that lives without some but I love them.  When I get home my dog is always there to see me.  The second thing is friend.  Friend are close to the one thing I could not live with out them.  They are always there when I need them.  First thing is family.  Of course I could not think of a world without my family.  I would miss them way to much.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Popular President

Well I have to think my popular president has to be is George W Bush.  I think he was popular because he did very well when the twin tower we hit by a airplane and collapsed.  I think the hardest thing about being a president is probably just making sure the united states have a great economy.  "Vote for Derek".

Monday, February 3, 2014

where I want to live

Well if I had a choice right know where i want to live is probably on the beach in Hawaii.  I think the nice warm air and cool breeze coming from the ocean would just be relaxing.  Hawaii and the beach would be the best choice out of the three Mrs.chambers gave us.  Beach would be cool because we could go snorkeling to see the reefs.